Vetter Owner's Bikes Page 18 Posted Jan 27, 2010
Al and Golden Henning in Germany, 1975
Al and his wife, Golden, began visiting me in my Rantoul, Illinois plant in the early 1970s. He had just retired from his professional life. He said the stress was killing him. Today, I remember he was 65. He bought his first motorcycle, learned how to ride and began touring the US. Then he toured Europe. Then he wrote stories about his adventures in "Road Rider" magazine.

Ed Youngblood remembers that Al had this GL with thousands of miles on it before he had even seen one at a Honda dealership. I think Honda took good care of Al.

Besides being a true ambassador of good will for motorcycling, Al had a colorful background. His daughter was the "Coppertone" girl who eventually married TV commercial guy, Cal Worthington.

Al died in 1977, after a non-motorcycle related surgery.

1972 Coppertone ad

I live in north VA. I was looking for a used Gold Wing 1996 thru 2000. My son was going to school in North Carolina by a Honda shop. He stopped in and looked at some bikes, started talking to sales person who remembered he had an older bike in the basement. So there it was: a 1978 Gold Wing with a full Vetter fairing, am-fm cassett deck, cig. lighter, saddle bags, trunk in good shape. Its a 1978 motorcycle with a 1980 Vetter fairing kit.

I have owned it for 5 years. I have literally fallen in love with this bike.

Craig says: Thank you, Ben. The fairing is all Vetter except for the visor. However, we did not make seats or your luggage.

Windjammer IV: Serial # 37-54404 with clever home-made mount
Let me start with just a little story. We bought this xl1200c new last year our intent was to do a lot of traveling which we did. Our first trip around 1000 miles we did just as it came from the factory and although i love to ride i felt beat up after hours of freeway speed.

The next 1200 mile or so trip i tried a small windshield at that was as bad if not worse than without. I did a here and there with some lowers and such and got it to where it was bearable, put on 10,000 miles last year and every trip thought there has to be something better. i got to looking and fork mounted fairings and was not impressed with the reviews. then your fairings came to mind so i started to do some research on availability and such. we found a good price on one and bought it immediately.

Will found a strong bolt behind the forkhead to capture his bracket
This last winter i got it installed and let me tell you this fairing performs. The ride is smooth and quiet and well perfect. I am sold on your fairings and hope i won't have to ride without again. thanks

Will & De Wittkopf

Hi Craig: I have attached a picture of our 81 Goldwing that we restored three years ago! We love our Vetter and are always looking for replacement pieces when we can find them. Since our restoration we have won District, Region and National first place trophies.

We are hoping to make it to Riding into History in May!

Thank you Peter & Darla Flynn

GLs in Luxembourg Europe
Hello from Luxembourg Europe
I send you pictures of three Gold Wing's in Luxembourg with Vetter fairings and saddle bags for your gallery of your homepage! I am owner of Gold Wings since 1979. I see one prospectus from your Vetter fairing in one German newspaper. After a long search, I found one dealer in Frankfurt : Honda Schu. But I must wait 6 weeks!! The costs were very expensive!! But I never regret the sales. With the best greetings, Camille Jadot

And now for something totally different from 1969...
Scotty got his Series 2500 fairing onto his BMW. Very pretty. Did I ever tell you why I stopped making this fairing? If not, it wll be in my book.

1979: My father, Msgt. Clyde F. Vetter


Without him, there would be no Vetter anything.

He rode. He introduced me to scooters. Here he is at age 58 on his Hondamatic 750 with his grandson, Lucas.

His story

2009: Surprise! It certainly looks familiar to me. The original Vetter Superbike belongs to Brian O' Shea who collects race bikes like this.
Page posted Jan 27, 2010

Updated April 2, 2010

Page 1, Vetter Owners Dec 1, 2006
Page 2, Vetter Owners Apl 20, 2008
Page 3, Vetter Owners Sep 22, 2007
Page 4, RocketDog Oct 11, 2007
Page 5, Vetter Owners Mar 9, 2008
Page 6, Vetter Owners Oct 5, 2008
Page 7: Vetter Owners March 29, 2009
Page 8: Vetter Owners June 8, 2009
Page 9: Vetter Owners Sep 8, 2009
Page 10: Vetter Owners Sep. 12, 2009
Page 11: Vetter Owners Sep. 14, 2009
I am compiling information for the "Little Windjammer Book" as well as these Owner's Web Pages. Please send me your pictures and stories. Include the serial numbers of the Vetter Fairings and Luggage.

Reader's favorite pics are vintage images of when we were young, our girlfriends were "sweet young things" and our dogs were pups. Thanks Craig.

Page 12: Vetter Owners Sep 22, 2009
Page 13: Vetter Owners Oct 20, 2009
Page 14: Vetter Owners Oct 22, 2009
Page 15: Vetter Owners Oct 26, 09
Page 16: Vetter Owners Nov 24, 09
Page 17: Vetter Owners Dec 13, 09
Page 18: Vetter Owners Jan 27, 2010
Page 19: Vetter Owners Oct 26, 2010
Page 20: Vetter Owners Oct 27, 2010
Page 21: Vetter Owners April 17, 2011
Page 22: Vetter Owners
Page 23: Vetter Owners
Page 24: Vetter Owners
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