1981 Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Run
Date: October 25, 1981
Location: Paso Robles, California
Route: Templeton to Cayucos to Cambria & back
Distance: 65 miles
Allotted time:
In 1981 the first, made from scratch economy machines appeared to do battle, led by my Streamliner, a 250cc Kawasaki single.
Here is Joe Minton renowned engine expert heading out on my Streamliner. Today this is called a "Feet Forward" machine. I think of it as a LazyBoy chair on wheels. Very comfortable.
Steve Kimball: 198 mpg
Mike Hishiki: 189 mpg
Charlie Perethian: 147 mpg
Lynn Tobias in the pretty Doug Malewicki Diesel
Sharon & Chuck Clayton I sketched out the nose of this three wheeler for Chuck
Dan Hanebrink master designer and craftsman
Don Zacher's Gossamer Beemer
No clear trends had developed at this Second Craig Vetter Fuel Economy Run. I had assumed that it would take about 250cc to do the job. It was becoming clear that that much power would not be necessary. Also, the whole notion of running with smaller main jets seemed foolish. My Streamliner faired poorly. On the way to the track, it burned a hole in its piston. Luckily, my brother, Bruce suggested that we simply but a countersunk screw in the hole and a nut inside the piston. Joe Minton almost gagged on the idea but we did it and it worked!
Joe Minton suiting up
Streamliner broken up
An amazed car driver pulled out in front of Joe causing a little accident, breaking the Streamliner into two big pieces. Joe was unhurt and was able to go on to be a famous engine troubleshooter.
Mike and Margaret Wilson commissioned the Steve Posson sculpture for the museum
Steve Posson restored the Streamliner to its original glory, with a new coat of blue paint and an American flag blaze. The Streamliner is now a permanent part of the Hall of Fame Museum, complete with the screw in the piston. Steve Posson went on to make the famous AMA bronze Board Racer that is inside the AMA Hall of Fame Museum, Pickerington, Ohio.
Page updated April 20, 2007